Monday, September 23, 2013

Hello I am HULK

I am Hulk, I do good things good people, I hurt bad guys....Hard. Me smash puny gods who think they are better than me. My cant miss me.........Me am big........... green........... and probably will be destroying your beloved town, but remember, I am doing it for good, not because they got me angry because the over cooked my stake, that only happened once, and I was very good, Me only destroyed the restaurant and half the block, THAT's IT, that's pretty good for me. A question that me gets asked all the time is, how much can me bench, well me try to passe myself, so a train or two. If me strain myself, it will probably be picking up the Eiffel Tower and throw it half way across the world, again that only happened once. When me not angry me am normal, just like you, me good doctor. Me drive Chevy, me destroy fords, for good reasons, Me have house, kinda, I broke it, so me have half house. I am HULK. Your friendly neighborhood wrecker.

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