Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week Two

This week was a lot better than the one I had last week. So far I have not got into trouble with the law, I have no destroyed anyone's beloved homes or possessions. I have been relatively a good boy this week. I did however sit on a Prius when I tripped over an open man hole and totaled it. I left a note with my insurance information and I have yet to get a call, so the guy must be happy I totaled his car. In my defense I feel like it was the city workers fault for leaving a man hole opened. I did get pulled over yesterday but that was not fair because they were pulling over every one driving down that particular sidewalk. If you ask me that profiling. So next week I have to go down to traffic court and get my community service plan. I hope its something simple like using my pinkeye to lift up someones car when they get a flat, or punch out their window when that lock there keys in it. I guess if i had to I would go for picking trash off the freeway, its not that bad, I have had to do it more than anyone alive.      

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