Monday, September 23, 2013


My day was good. Me woke up in forest outside of Portland. Me went to bed in bed inside house In California, me was confused. Me lost truck but found it in Utah, right outside of what used to be a Bar, Now crime scene. Me destroyed bar. Me forgot why, Probably for good reason, right. Me drove truck home, me got flat tire, me tossed truck to Canada, Me got phone call from Yankees, Me hit house with truck, Me in trouble. I go get truck tomorrow, me go at night. Me continue when me get back.
                   Me got truck, Me got broke truck. To see it go to San Diego Craigslist to buy it. Never been wrecked.....Formally. Me got court sentence for bar me destroyed,  Me innocent, me doctor, me good guy, Things went black, me woke up, they can't prove it me. The rest of my day was great, went and saved some people from bad guys, bad guys in jail, My afternoon was better me ate lunch...Me got whole cow to myself, Farmer was mad, I don't know if it was because of cow or destroyed barn....The cow ran...Hulk smash....Hulk smash everything for cow.

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