Monday, September 30, 2013

My Final Post

Well me years of doing what I thought was good have caught up to me and now I am forced to say goodbye to my blog. It turns out that the feds can read and found my blog, and ultimately found me and say that I have to pay me time. I am sorry that I will not be posting any more, or any time in the near future. I have to go to what they call anger management. I don't feel like I should be punished when I totally just saw black the whole time I was causing all that destruction.

Before I go I have to tell you how they caught up to me. I was sitting in on a football game and when the opposing team scored.....I got angry. One thing led to another and by-by Sports Authority Stadium. The good thing is the Denver Bronco's are getting a new stadium, so I believe their season is put on hold. Anyway The cops caught up to me on the freeway bypass, calmed me down and cuffed and stuffed me, I didn't fit in the car, So they had to sing me a lullaby and then I fit pretty snug. All and all I will see about catching up with you in a while. and remember HULK SMASH.  

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